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RISK MANAGEMENT - Living Benefits

|Disability Insurance| |Critical Illness| |Long Term Care|


What is critical illness?

A life threatening or life altering condition that often strikes with little or no warning.

Heart disease and stroke

  • 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women age 40 and under will develop heart disease
  • 75,000 Canadians suffer heart attacks every year
  • Nearly 7 in 8 heart attack patients survive at least a month
  • 85 per cent of hospitalized heart attack victims survive the initial occurrence - the percentage is higher for those with their first heart attack, and lower for those with recurrent heart attacks
  • 75 per cent of stroke patients survive the initial event


  • 1 in 2.5 men and 1 in 2.8 women living in Canada will develop cancer
  • 1 in 9.5 women will develop breast cancer
  • 1 in 11 men and 1 in 20 women will develop lung cancer
  • 136,900 new cancer cases were estimated to occur in Canada in 2002
  • On average 2,633 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer weekly

With modern medical advancements you are far more likely to survive the illness than die from it, but will your finances?

Possible family problems:

  • Loss or reduction of income – loss of savings, liquidity, home
  • Increased living expenses
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Loss of choice and independence
  • Jeopardizes retirement goals and dreams
  • Risk to your children’s future

Possible business owner problems:

  • Risk to key business relationships- employees,- creditors - clients / customers- suppliers
  • Risk of bankruptcy – reduced cash flow
  • Potential overnight loss of lifetime’s work
  • Loss of independence – loss of choice
  • Jeopardizes dreams of family legacy

Critical illness insurance

  • A lump sum benefit payable to you upon diagnosis of a qualifying critical condition or illness.
  • Critical illness insurance provides you with a source of funds at a critical time in your life.